TBT (Tourism Business Talk) com Dra. Melanie Oliveira da Silva, Sales Executive| Emirates Portugal

No âmbito das TBT (Tourism Business Talk) que decorrem na UC de Análise Global do Turismo do Mestrado em Turismo, teremos na Universidade Lusófona a Dra. Melanie Oliveira da Silva, Sales Executive| Emirates Portugal, no dia 20 de dezembro pelas 18:00h, na sala D.2.6.

As inscrições devem ser enviadas para Professor Doutor Vasco Santos vasco-rs@hotmail.com


Universidade Lusófona na 3ª Edição do Portugal’s Future Hoteliers Summit

Estes são os alunos do 3º Ano da Licenciatura em Turismo (Maria, Sebastião e Beatriz) que vão representar a Universidade Lusófona na 3ª Edição do Portugal’s Future Hoteliers Summit.

“Portugal’s Future Hoteliers Summit is designed to be a mind opening, encouraging Summit where students, professors, industry leaders and professionals can come together on a platform of dialogue to exchange ideas, share knowledge and network while working towards a common goal.

The presentations and interchange will all be oriented towards building a bridge between the industry and students and encouraging students to step forward and support the industry in moving towards a new generation.

The event will be centered on a competition for the students of the Portuguese Hospitality / Tourism Programs.”