O Webinar “Tourism: This is a Woman´s World” | 05 de Novembro



O Webinar “Tourism: This is a Woman´s World” pretende orientar os estudantes da Licenciatura em Turismo da Universidade Lusófona sobre o seu presente e futuro, através da partilha de perspetivas sobre as diferentes áreas do setor e do mercado de trabalho.
O evento foi totalmente pensado e organizado pelas alunas finalistas Catarina Cristóvão e Beatriz Guerreiro.
#equipadeturismoulht#gostamosdeajudaroturismoportugues#turismoulusofona#cantskipportugal#cplevents#ulht #UNWTO #happiness #alunosfantasticos #turismodeportugal


Artigos publicados em revistas indexadas Web of Science, SCOPUS ou ABS


Bakas, F.E., Coetzee, W.J.L, Cuffy, V.V. (2020). Events Tourism: An Overview. In (eds) Violet V. Cuffy, Fiona Bakas, Willem J.L. Coetzee, Events Tourism: Critical Insights and Contemporary Perspectives. Book in Critical Events Studies series. Routledge.  https://www.routledge.com/Events-Tourism-Critical-Insights-and-Contemporary-Perspectives/Cuffy-Bakas-Coetzee/p/book/9780367361679

Violet V. Cuffy, Fiona Bakas, Willem J.L. Coetzee (2020) Events Tourism: Critical Insights and Contemporary Perspectives. Book in Critical Events Studies series. Routledge.  https://www.routledge.com/Events-Tourism-Critical-Insights-and-Contemporary-Perspectives/Cuffy-Bakas-Coetzee/p/book/9780367361679

Bakas, F.E, Duxbury, N., Silva, S., Vinagre de Castro, T. (2020). Connecting to place through creative tourism.  (Eds.) Alexandra Rodrigues Gonçalves, João Filipe Marques, Mirian Tavares & Sónia Moreira Cabeça. Creative Tourism Dynamics: Connecting Travellers, Communities, Cultures, and Places. Coimbra: Editora Grácio

Carbone, F., Oosterbeek, L. and Costa, C. (2020). Extending and adapting the concept of quality
management for museums and cultural heritage attractions: A comparative study of southern European
cultural heritage managers’ perceptions. Tourism Management Perspectives.

Daly, Pauline; Dias, Álvaro; & Patuleia, Mafalda (2020). The Impacts of Tourism on Cultural Identity on
Lisbon Historic Neighbourhoods. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies. (Forthcoming/aceite para

Dias, Álvaro; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. Rosario & Patuleia, Mafalda (2020). Developing Poor Communities
through Creative Tourism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 1-21 DOI:

Dias, Álvaro; Silva, Graça; Patuleia, Mafalda & Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. Rosario & (2020). Developing
sustainable business models: Local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.) DOI:

Estêvão, J. V., Carneiro, M. J., & Teixeira (2020). Destination Management Systems’ Adoption and
Management Model: Proposal of a Framework. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce, 30(2), 89-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/10919392.2020.1724765 (indexed to: Scopus; ISI).

Estêvão, J. V., Carneiro, M. J., & Teixeira L. (2020). Destination Management Systems: Key Distinctive
Functionalities Aimed at Visitors and Destination Suppliers. Journal of Global Information Technology
Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/1097198X.2020.1822138 (indexed to: Scopus; ISI).

Machado, M. & Nunes, C. (2020), Performance evaluation methods in the services sector: empirical
study in hotels, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Forthcoming. ISSN: 1744-
2389 (Indexantes: Scopus; ABS).

Nunes, C. & Machado, M. (2020), Benchmarking in the Hotel Industry: the use of USALI, International
Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Forthcoming. ISSN: 1460-6739 (Indexante: Scopus).


Araújo, Arthur Filipe Barbosa; Cardoso, Lucília; Araujo-Vila, Noélia; Dias, Francisco. 2019.
"Understanding the role of destination imagery in mountain destination choice. Evidence from an
explorative research". European Journal of Tourism Research (SI).

Bakas, F.E., Duxbury, N.; Remoaldo, P.; Matos, O., (2019) ‘The social utility of small-scale art festivals with creative tourism in Portugal’. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 248-266. doi: 10.1108/IJEFM-02-2019-0009Duxbury, N., Bakas, F. E. and Pato de Carvalho, C. (2019) ‘Why is research–practice collaboration so challenging to achieve? A creative tourism experiment’, Tourism Geographies. Taylor & Francis, Vol 21 No 4.,  pp. 1–26.

Cardoso, Lucília; Araújo Vila, Noélia; de Araújo, Arthur Filipe; Dias, Francisco. 2019. "Food tourism
destinations’ imagery processing model". British Food Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/bfj-08-2018-

Cardoso, Lucília; Dias, Francisco; de Araújo, Arthur Filipe; Andrés Marques, Maria Isabel. 2019. "A
destination imagery processing model: Structural differences between dream and favourite
destinations". Annals of Tourism Research 74(-): http://dx.doi.org/81-94. 10.1016/j.annals.2018.11.001

Dias, Álvaro, Patuleia, Mafalda & Dutschke, Georg (2019) Shared value creation and local communities
development: The role of cooperation as an antecedent. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais
(Portuguese Review of Regional Studies). 51. p. 9-25 (Scopus).

Dutschke, G., Jacobsohn, L., Dias, A., & Combadão, J. (2019). The job design happiness scale (JDHS).
Journal of Organizational Change Management. 32 (7), 709-724. DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-01-2018-0035
(Scopus, ABS, Web of Science).

Machado, M. (2019), Contingent variables to the price charged by hotels, International Journal of
Procurement Management, 12(3), 258-275. ISSN: 1753-8440 (Indexante: Scopus).

Machado, M. (2019), Determinants of customer satisfaction: empirical study in hotels, International
Journal of Applied Management Science, 11(2), 91-112. ISSN: 1755-8921 (Indexante: Scopus).


Araújo, Noelia; Cardoso, Lucília; Brea, Jose Antonio Fraiz; de Araújo, Arthur Filipe. 2018. "Green Jobs:
The Present and Future of the Building Industry. Evolution Analysis". Social Sciences 7(12). 266-266.

Bakas, F.E. & Duxbury, N. (2018). ‘Development of rural areas and small cities through creative tourism: The CREATOUR project’.  Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (ABET), 8(3), pp.74-84.

Bakas, F.E., Duxbury, N. & De Castro, V.T. (2018). ‘Creative tourism: Catalysing artisan entrepreneur networks in rural Portugal.’ International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 24 (4), pp.731-752, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-03-2018-0177.

Bakas, F. (2018) ‘’Crafting an entrance’. Gender’s role in gaining and maintaining access in tourism ethnography and knowledge creation’ Eds: Hazel Andrews, Takamitsu Jimura, Laura Dixon. Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Application and Reflexivity, 1st Edition, Routledge, UK, pp: 67-82.

Bakas, F. (2018) ‘The political economy of tourism: children’s neglected role.’ Tourism Analysis. 23 (2), 215-225 .(SCOPUS)

Bakas, F.E., Costa, C., Breda, Z., Durão, M. (2018). ‘A critical approach to the gender wage gap in tourism labour.’ Journal of Tourism Culture and Communication, Special Issue on Gender and Tourism,  18(1), pp. 35-49,  DOI10.3727/109830418X15180180585167.


Bakas, F.E., Costa, C., Durao, M., Carvalho, I., Breda, Z. (2018) ‘” An Uneasy Truth?”:Female Tourism Managers and Organisational Gender Equality Measures in Portugal’. In S. Cole (Ed.) Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment (pp 34-44). Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.


Carbone, F. (2018) A Highest Purpose of Archaeology -Towards a Future Worthy of our Children, Global
Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology, 6(4): 555693. DOI: 10.19080/GJAA.2018.06.555693
Carbone, F. (2018) Post-multicultural challenges for cultural heritage managers and museums in the age
of migrations, Museum Management and Curatorship, DOI: 10.1080/09647775.2018.1498298

de Araújo, Arthur Filipe Barbosa; Vieira, Armando Luís. 2018. "Developing a model of film-induced slum
tourism motivations: an exploratory, qualitative, approach". In Proceedings of the 13th European
Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Aveiro, Portugal. Portugal.

Machado, M. & Silva, M. (2018), Satisfaction regarding the methods used to evaluate hotel
performance, Italian Sociological Review, 8(3), 357-377. ISSN: 2239-8589 (Indexante: Scopus).

Outras publicações

Bakas, F.E., Duxbury, N., Silvia, S., Castro, T. (2020). Turismo Regenerativo (in Portuguese).  Palavras para lá da pandemia: cem lados de uma crise.Text written about the future of society in the Covid19 context. Available at: https://ces.uc.pt/publicacoes/palavras-pandemia/?lang=1&id=30403

Lopes, T. e Silva, F. (2020). Responsible nature tourism development models: the case study of whale
watching in the Azores. Em M. Brito, A. Dias e M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, Marketing, and Maintaining
Maritime and Coastal Tourism (pp.113-131). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-

Silva, F. A., & Lopes, T. (2020). Application of smart tourism to nature-based destinations. In L. Carvalho,
L. Calisto, & N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and Destination
Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (pp. 1-20). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Doi:


Brito, Mónica, Dias, Álvaro & Patuleia, Mafalda (Eds) (2019). Managing, Marketing, and Maintaining
Maritime and Coastal Tourism. Hershey, USA, Estados Unidos: IGI Global.

Brito, Mónica, Estevão, João Vaz & Patuleia, Mafalda (2019). Nautical tourism – research perspectives,
politics and practices. Managing, in Brito, Mónica, Dias, Álvaro & Patuleia, Mafalda (Eds) Marketing, and
Maintaining Maritime and Coastal Tourism. Hershey, Estados Unidos: IGI Global.

Damásio, Manuel, Patuleia, Mafalda, Dias, Alvaro, & Morais, Diogo (2019). 2º Edição do Barómetro do
Alojamento Local em Portugal. Espanha: Homeway (Forthcoming).

Dias, Alvaro & Patuleia, Mafalda (2019). The competitiveness of Creative Tourism Destinations. Faro.
Portugal. October 23-25. 3ª Conferência Creatour (Forthcoming).

Dias, Álvaro & Patuleia, Mafalda (2019). The competitiveness of Creative Tourism Destinations. Faro. 4ª
Conferência Creatour (23-25 out.). (Forthcoming).

Dias, Álvaro, Brás-dos-Santos, José & Renato, Pereira (2019). The role of entrepreneurship on the
foundations of dynamic capabilities. Int. J. of Entrepreneurial Venturing. (Forthcoming) (Scopus, ABS).
Dias, Álvaro, et al. (2019). Economic Crisis Effects on SME Dynamic Capabilities. Int. J. of Learning and
Change. (Forthcoming) (Scopus).

Dias, Álvaro, Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Rosário & Patuleia, Mafalda (2019). Attracting Creative Tourism
Entrepreneurs for Destination Competitiveness in Entrepreneurship and innovation in European
Continent, Springer Publishing. New York.

Dias, Álvaro, Patuleia, Mafalda & Dutschke, Georg (2019) Shared value creation and local communities
development: The role of cooperation as an antecedent. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais
(Portuguese Review of Regional Studies). 51. p. 9-25. (Scopus).

Dias, Alvaro, Patuleia, Mafalda & Dutschke, Georg (2019). Shared value creation and local communities
development: The role of cooperation as an antecedent. Portuguese Review of Regional Studies.
Forthcoming. (SCOPUS/EconLit).

Dias, Álvaro, Ribeiro, Raul & Garrido, Fernando (2019). Estudo exploratório sobre a situação profissional
dos Diretores de Hotéis. Aveiro, Portugal. July 4-5. 26ºCongresso da APDR.

Lopes, Tiago e Silva, Francisco (2019). Responsible nature tourism development models: the case study
of whale watching in the Azores. In M. Brito, A. Dias e M. Patuleia (Eds.), Managing, Marketing, and
Maintaining Maritime and Coastal Tourism. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.

Palrão, T. & Filipe, J. A. (2019 on line). Sport Events Tourism: The Importance of Experience in
Participant’s Motivations in Recreational Sport Tourism Events in Portugal. Chapter 8 in Springer (Eds.),
Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management., pp.127-145.

Ramos, D. (2019). Municipalities – their role in tourism development! A simple guide of good practices.
The Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Handbook South Africa Vol. 7 ISBN 978-06-2045-240-3, online
publication: http://alive2green.com/publications/responsible-sustainable-tourism-handbook/.

Ramos, D. (2019). Recursos endógenos no Turismo. Manual de Boas Práticas e Sustentabilidade no
Turismo 2019. Capítulo: Recursos Endógenos no Turismo. ISBN 978-989-20-9758-9. Oeste Portugal –
Tourism Startup Program. Airo

Silva, Francisco & Lopes, Tiago (2019). Application of smart tourism to nature-based destinations. Em L.
Carvalho, M. Calisto e N. Gustavo (Eds.), Strategic Business Models to Support Demand, Supply, and
Destination Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.


Damásio, Manuel, Patuleia, Mafalda, Dias, Alvaro, & Morais, Diogo (2018). 1º Edição do Barómetro do
Alojamento Local em Portugal. Espanha: Homeway.

Dias, Alvaro, Patuleia, Mafalda & Dutschke, Georg (2018). Shared value creation and local communities’
development: The role of cooperation as an antecedent. Braga. Portugal. June 7-9. 2ª Creatour

Dias, Alvaro, Patuleia, Mafalda & Dutschke, Georg (2018). Shared Value Creation, Creative Tourism and
Local Communities Development: The Role of Cooperation as an Antecedent. (51), 10–25.
Dias, F.; Ramos. D e Viana. S (2018). La imagen y la promoción de los destinos turísticos. Capítulo 11: La
importância de un sistema de monitorización de la actividad turística de un destino regional – el caso del
Centro de Portugal, Thomson.

Estêvão, João Vaz, Carneiro, Maria João & Teixeira, L. (2018). Tourism destination components’
representation in regional DMO web platforms: An analysis of the Portuguese case. Journal of Global
Information Management (Forthcoming).

Lopes, T., Silva, F., Almeida, M.C. (2018) Qualidade nos serviços de animação turística dos Açores:
perspetivas e motivação dos agentes. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 10(1), 76-93.

Lopes, Tiago e Silva, Francisco & Almeida, Maria Céu (2018) Qualidade nos serviços de animação
turística dos Açores: perspetivas e motivação dos agentes. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal,
10(1), 76-93.

Schouten, Maria Johanna, Patuleia, Mafalda (2018). O imaginário no turismo doméstico na Indonésia. X
Congresso Português de Sociologia, Covilhã, Universidade da Beira Interior.